  • FOUNDED IN 1910

Is it profitable to buy US dollars?

In numerous articles about where to invest rubles, various financiers often predict the collapse of the dollar, pointing to the huge US foreign debt and internal social contradictions. But experience shows that America overcomes all crises profitably, relying on endless natural resources and intellectual assets accumulated over the past decades. The reasons for buying the dollar today are as follows: 

1.The estimated growth of the US economy in 2023 will be 4,3%. At the same time, the unemployment rate will not exceed 5%, and inflation will remain in the range of 1,6–1,8%

2.Despite Biden coming to power, a significant portion of the seats in the Senate remain with Republicans. Therefore, there is no need to fear a sharp reversal in US policy

3. America maintains the fastest vaccination rate in the world. As the number of cases decreases, large companies will quickly resume their activities

4.The Fed will maintain its loose credit policy at least until 2023. It is expected that the discount rate for this period will remain around 0,1% per annum

5. Starting from 2023, the program for the redemption of government loan bonds will be resumed. The budget allocated for this increases to 120 billion dollars per month. 


Source: Telegram channel “Business in America”
