  • FOUNDED IN 1910

New York State is the leader in the number of Russians in the USA

Over 1 Russians live in New York State. This is more than in any other US state. The Russian-speaking population makes up 100% (000 thousand people) of the total population of New York City. Moreover, about 8 thousand of them are Russian-speaking Jews, approximately 600 thousand were born in Russia. The area with the largest number of Russians living in New York is Brighton Beach. It still remains the most important demographic and cultural center of Russian-American residence. However, as Russian immigrants developed and climbed the social and career ladder, the diaspora from the former Soviet bloc countries moved to wealthier areas of the New York metropolitan area, especially Bergen County, New Jersey.

It is also home to large numbers of immigrants born in Central Asia, Ukraine, Belarus and other former Soviet republics. Most visitors from Central Asia come from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, and they mainly speak Russian.

The New York metropolitan area still remains the main metropolitan gateway for immigrants from Russia to the United States. Until 2020, about 3 thousand Russians move here annually for permanent residence.


Source: Telegram channel “Business in America”
