  • FOUNDED IN 1910

Housing prices depend on the ratings of schools and kindergartens in the area

Sometimes people ask me about some unofficial things in relationships between people in America, subtle nuances and rules. The country is very slippery and treacherous, but okay, I’ll tell you what lies on the surface and is known to almost everyone living here.


The semi-public “rating” of schools and housing in the United States now looks like this:

1. Asians. 

Where there are more of them: schools, kindergartens, hospitals, residential complexes - there are higher scores and ratings for everything and everyone. The academic performance and overall test scores of children in schools are high, so almost everyone strives to live in such areas (don’t forget that the USA has a zonal system, so you cannot send your child to any school, only the one that is assigned to your home, or to private). Housing prices in such areas are through the roof.


2. White. 

In the USA it is not customary to discuss this, well, white and white, it’s standard. Moreover, no one gives a shit that you can be a Slav and have nothing to do with the Anglo-Saxons, you are all white :) And if you open or right now and start studying schools with ratings of 7 and above, you can suddenly discover , that the higher the percentage of white and Asian children in a school, the higher the school is in the state rankings and the more expensive the real estate around it. These are them, sweet hypocrites.


3. Hindus.

Something in between. Kindergartens and schools already have lower ratings, and real estate in the districts is cheaper. PS never, under any circumstances, rent a property if a family from India lived in it before you. This smell of garlic and curry cannot be simply “ventilated” or “washed”, don’t believe the realtor. Just tear out floors, carpets, walls, change everything. Be careful.


4. Other races: Hawaiians, Indians (that is, indigenous), etc.

This is also the middle, its lower limit, simply because indigenous peoples have insane benefits and subsidies, so their lifestyle and behavior often leave much to be desired. 


5. Latin Americans.

Almost no Americans will go to live in an area with Latinos, much less take their child to the local school. The ratings of schools with a high percentage of children from Latin America are no higher than 4-5 on a 10-point scale.


6. Blacks

Alas, no surprises. Whether you burst or burst, the dark-skinned man is in last place. 


And so that all these smiling people with snow-white teeth don’t broadcast on TV about “everyone is equal”, in everyday life, when an American, a migrant or anyone else is studying the area, school and kindergarten for moving, and the USA still has the same, almost segregated rules and ratings above is undeniable, no matter how sad it is to admit it.


Source: Telegram channel “Vatnik in America”
