  • FOUNDED IN 1910

State of the Union 2023: Americans' Views on the Big Issues

●‎ Inflation: Despite the gradual decline in inflation, 75% of Americans are very concerned about rising prices for food and consumer goods, and 60% are very concerned about rising prices for fuel/energy and housing;

●‎ Ukraine: 43% of respondents approve of the Biden administration's actions towards Russia in connection with the outbreak of war, while 34% disapprove. 51% believe the United States is doing enough or too little to help Ukraine, and 26% say it is doing too much—a share that has nearly quadrupled since March 4, mostly driven by Republicans. The share of those who consider the war in Ukraine to be a great threat to the United States decreased from 2022% to 50%;

●‎ Gun violence: 64% support recent legislation passed by Congress to close a number of loopholes in gun laws (wrote about it here), but only 7% think it will reduce violence. 49% think that tightening access to firearms will reduce violence, and 44% think that it will not change anything;

●‎ Economy: Americans' top priorities include improving the economy (75%), reducing the cost of healthcare (60%), protecting against terrorism (60%), reducing the influence of money in politics (59%) and financial support for health insurance for Medicare retirees (58% );

●‎ China: 57% are concerned about the partnership between the Russian Federation and the PRC, 50% - about the military power of China, 43% - about the relations between the PRC and Taiwan, 41% - about economic competition with China;

●‎ Regulation of Big Tech: Since 2019, the share of those who believe that technology companies have a positive effect on the United States has decreased from 58% to 49%, and especially among Republicans (from 58% to 40%). 44% think Big Tech needs more government regulation, 77% believe social networks censor political content;

●‎ Crime reduction and drugs: 57% consider crime reduction an important priority (+10% from 2021). 53% support reducing access to illegal drugs;

●‎ Investigation of the Biden administration: 65% of respondents are concerned that congressional Republicans will spend too much time investigating Biden (42% of Republicans and 89% of Democrats);

●‎ Migration: 53% identify migration as an important priority: but among them, 70% of Republicans and only 37% of Democrats. At the same time, the number of detained migrants remains at almost record levels;

●‎ Police violence: 47% believe the police protect against crime, 44% say they use force proportionately, 42% say they treat all races equally, 43% say they punish police officers fairly for violations. In all categories, the majority evaluate the police rather negatively;

●‎ Climate change: Most Americans affected by extreme weather events (storms, floods, droughts, heat waves, wildfires and rising sea levels) believe it is due to climate change, including most Republicans;

●‎ Political compromise: 64% of Republicans want Republicans to stand up to Biden, even if it gets in the way of addressing critical issues. At the same time, 58% of Democrats think that their party should meet the Republicans halfway, even if this disappoints some voters.


Author: Yan Veselov
