  • FOUNDED IN 1910

15 Years a Slave: Girl Sues Adoptive Parents, Police and New Hampshire Authorities

19-year-old Olivia Atkokaitis spent almost her entire life in slavery from her adoptive parents: they adopted a girl from China, but locked her in a small room and did not allow her to live a full life. The girl attended school only once a week, and only left her “dungeon” to do housework or massage her mother Denise. 

Olivia ran away several times, but was found by the police and “returned to slavery,” as the girl’s lawyers say. Law enforcement officers and social services in New Boston ignored the teenager's problems, although they were well aware of the situation in which she was facing. The girl finally escaped in 2018, digging a tunnel from her room. Now she is suing parents, police officers and many institutions that were negligent in their care of the child’s problem. 

Source: Telegram channel “ALL ABOUT THE USA”
