  • FOUNDED IN 1910

What do you need to know about your rights in the hospital?

Any patient in a New York State hospital has the right to:

• familiarize yourself with the patient's rights (if for any reason you cannot familiarize yourself with them, do not understand or need help, the hospital is obliged to provide you, among others, with the services of a translator, social worker, administration representative, etc.);

• undergo a full course of treatment without discrimination based on race, disability, sexual orientation, gender, or availability of funds;

• receive emergency assistance if necessary;

• an attentive and respectful attitude towards oneself, as well as an environment free from uncomfortable restrictions;

• have access to any information, including the names, names and positions of the attending physicians, the names, positions and responsibilities of any hospital employee involved in the treatment, as well as to refuse their participation in the examination, treatment and monitoring of you;

• be placed in a non-smoking room;

• have access to complete information about the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis of the disease;

• have access to full information to consent to a proposed procedure or treatment, including the potential risks and benefits of the proposed procedure or treatment;

• have full access to oral or written information regarding the person's consent to resuscitate you when you become incapacitated.

• refuse treatment without explanation;

• refuse to participate in the experimental study (to make a decision on participation or refusal, you have the right to receive full information about this study).

• to privacy and confidentiality (keeping secret all information and records relating to you personally);

• Participate in all decisions about your care and payment (the hospital must also provide a written plan and an explanation of how and to whom you can appeal).

• review all treatment records and issue copies for free (you cannot be denied copies, even if you are unable to pay for this type of service).

• receive a complete list and explanation of all prices for treatment and services provided;

• submit complaints without fear that your attitude will change or your service will deteriorate; to a written response from the hospital to your request, and the hospital is obliged to provide you with the appropriate telephone numbers by which you can appeal the actions of hospital employees;

• inform the administration of the hospital (your department) about the order of visits to loved ones depending on their state of health;

• inform (orally or in writing, by agreement or the donor card available in the hospital) the hospital or other organizations and persons about permission (or desire) to use internal organs for medical purposes after death.
