  • FOUNDED IN 1910

New American Startup Visa

With even their closest neighbors creating successful startup visas, Americans could no longer remain aloof from the global scramble for human capital in the form of innovative entrepreneurs through immigration benefits. US lawmakers decided to act.

Aspects of immigration policy are traditionally divisive among U.S. lawmakers today, but one policy is enjoying growing bipartisan support. We are talking about a startup visa.

In May 2022, the US House of Representatives and Senate effectively created the basis for a startup visa by passing the America COMPETES Act (America Creating Opportunities for Manufacturing, Pre-Eminence in Technology, and Economic Strength). education and science), thereby preparing the ground for accelerating negotiations and finalizing the bill regulating the new visa.

When the first European settlers landed on the shores of America, fleeing persecution in the Old World, it was innovation that helped them build an economy. The Founding Fathers of the United States envisioned America as a land of dreams.

For many ambitious innovative entrepreneurs from abroad, this is still the case. However, such foreigners have to overcome numerous immigration obstacles to achieve their goal, and often some of them “drop out”, choosing other countries where startup visas are already available. 


Source: Telegram channel “Business in America”
