  • FOUNDED IN 1910

Work permit for language school students in the USA

We always recommend that our students take the full amount of money for the stated period of study. However, unforeseen circumstances may occur that are beyond our control. That is why, just in case, I decided to share the latest news with you. Certain groups of students who came to the United States on an F1 visa will be able to obtain a work permit for a period of no more than 1,5 years. It will only be valid during the student's academic program. This information was shared by USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) in a recent press release dated February 22, 2023. 

What groups of students are we talking about? About those who are experiencing severe economic difficulties due to extraordinary circumstances. For example: 

- natural disasters

- financial crises

- military conflicts

To obtain a work permit as a student, the applicant must prove that he was stranded upon arrival in the United States and cannot pay for his studies in the way he previously planned. 


Author: Anton Nayanzin
