  • FOUNDED IN 1910

How many people are deported from the US?

A huge flow of people is emigrating from Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico. They also occupy the top deportation list. On a special website you can see statistics on the deportation of people for immigration and criminal reasons. You can also view deportation statistics by citizenship, state and year. Based on statistics, over the past year, about 130 thousand people were deported from the United States for immigration reasons, and in 2021 - only 42 thousand. Judging by the graph, on average 140-150 thousand people are deported per year for immigration reasons. The worst state for immigrants is, of course, Texas - where the most people are deported.

If we consider only Russian citizens, then only 360 people were deported last year, and if we calculate the average for the last 20 years, we get about 300 people per year. 

Even fewer Ukrainians are deported; 117 people were deported last year, and on average about 170 people are deported per year. 


Source: Telegram channel “Lukova & Lyubimov in USA”
