  • FOUNDED IN 1910

Construction of high-speed rail from Los Angeles to Las Vegas begins - $10 billion

Brightline has begun a project to build a railroad that will connect Los Angeles and Las Vegas. The length of the route will be 218 miles (350 km). There are five stations in total: the route starts in the town of Rancho Cucamonga in the east of LA, then goes to Apple Valley, Hesperia and Victor Valley stations and ends in Las Vegas itself. The train will cover the entire route in just two hours.

The project involves the creation of 40 thousand jobs during construction, as well as a thousand permanent vacancies after completion of work. 

The rail line is expected to take 12 million private trips from southern California to Las Vegas each year, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 400 tons.


Source: Telegram channel “US NEWS | AMERICA"
