  • FOUNDED IN 1910

What do ex-US presidents do?

What Donald Trump is doing now is roughly clear from the previous post. But there are still many former presidents in America who lead active lifestyles.   


• Barack Obama

He doesn’t appear in news reports as often as Trump, but he is still involved in politics, supports Biden and the Democratic Party, and also earns money. He speaks at conferences of large companies, writes books, memoirs and receives millions of dollars for it. For example, his autobiography “A Promised Land” broke the sales record among all publications of former US presidents. The publisher paid Obama a $65 million advance.


• George W. Bush 

After his presidency (2009), he spent a lot of time either at home in Dallas or at his ranch in Texas. Bush found a hobby - he took painting lessons and began painting portraits of world leaders. These even include Putin, the Dalai Lama and Tony Blair. He said that it was easy for him because of his personal acquaintance with everyone. In addition, Bill Clinton, Bush's predecessor as US President, is excellent friends with him. They are the same age (76 years old), support different parties and often spend time with their families. 


• Bill Clinton 

This ex-president also went into creativity, releasing the adventure novel “The President Is Missing” (2018). This is the first time that a former US president has become the author of a work of fiction. The plot revolves around a cyber attack on the United States that threatens the entire world. The main character, a fictional president, must prevent it. Clinton said he and his co-author detailed details of life in the White House, from the bowling alley to the treadmill in the bedroom. A whole series is already being filmed based on this book. 


• Jimmy Carter

The last one on the list of living ex-presidents of the United States is distinguished by the fact that after his presidency he became much more popular than before. And not only in America, but throughout the world. Today he is 98 years old, and he retired back in 1981. He has been called the "greatest ex-president." Carter is actively involved in volunteering, charity work, defending human rights, solving problems of homelessness, world hunger, and so on. 


I also propose to touch on the history of the first president of the United States, the famous Founding Father, who is featured on the one-dollar bill.


• George Washington

He lived only 2 years after his resignation from the presidency, but during this time he managed to go into business. He opened a whiskey distillery and started a pig farm, which is still in operation today. His whiskey is now popular only with tourists, but when Washington died (1799), the distillery in Virginia was the largest in the country and produced about 50 thousand liters of alcohol annually.


In addition to all this, former US presidents are also entitled to a pension and all sorts of goodies for the rest of their lives. I will talk about this in the next post. It would seem, why does Trump need this lifelong pension? But these are the rules, and they are observed in many developed countries. Well, wherever there are former presidents ;))


Author: Anton Nayanzin
