  • FOUNDED IN 1910

Former FBI employee helped Russian oligarch launder money

Former senior FBI official Charles McGonigal and former Soviet and Russian diplomat and most recently court interpreter Sergei Shestakov are accused of violating US sanctions by helping sanctioned Oleg Deripaska. They have been charged with sanctions violations, money laundering and making false statements to the FBI.

The former FBI employee worked for the Bureau from 1996 to 2018 and was involved in counterintelligence work, including investigations against Russian oligarchs, including Deripaska. After resigning, he began to help Deripaska, receiving payment first through a law firm, and from 2021 directly from the Cypriot offshore, behind which Deripaska stood, to the American company of a friend of the FBI agent. The offshore paid a little more than 41 thousand dollars a month for two. 

I will publish interesting details of the relationship later: the indictment reads like a novel, but I don’t have time to read it carefully yet. Both defendants were arrested over the weekend.


Author: Igor Slabykh
