  • FOUNDED IN 1910

Donald Trump wants total war

The former US President in one of his last speeches mentioned the theme of a global war of all against all. He believes that the world is facing the threat of World War III, and the only reason for this situation is Joe Biden. At the end of the video, Trump says: "We need to take back control of the White House or our country is doomed."

Trump is raising the stakes in the ongoing election campaign. The rhetoric of the last day or future apocalypse is one of the most powerful rhetorical devices in politics. It helps to unite around the leader and pay less attention to what he offers. This is an analogue of the concept of a “besieged fortress” for the United States. Instead of competing on programs and pictures of the future, Trump puts the voter before an ultimatum - either me and the world, or Biden and war. Nothing else matters. Neither criminal cases against the ex-president, nor his program, nor his proposals. What kind of criticism can there be when we are talking about saving not only the country, but also the world.


Author: Pavel Dubravsky
