  • FOUNDED IN 1910

Frozen embryos are marital property: Virginia judge makes controversial ruling, citing 19th century law

Divorced Honeyline and Jason Heidemann are arguing over embryos they froze several years ago. A woman wants to conceive a child, but her ex-husband is against it - he does not want to become a father against his will. Judge Richard Gardiner initially sided with the man: his ex-wife cannot claim custody of the embryos, since they are not property. 

However, after some time, the judge delved into the 19th century laws governing relations between slave owners. Before the Civil War, people could be bought and sold, so he decided to reconsider his previous decision. The judge tentatively ruled that the embryos were property that could be divided among each other. Jason Heidemann's lawyers are planning to appeal the decision. 


Source: Telegram channel “US NEWS | AMERICA"
