About us

"Novoe Russkoe Slovo" (New Russian Word) is a Russian-American newspaper with a 100-year history.

For more than a century, the newspaper has been the most important print publication for Russian-speaking immigrants in the United States. First published in New York City in 1910, the newspaper was originally called Russkoye Slovo. In addition to current events and analysis, the newspaper published stories, poems, letters, and excerpts from novels by Russian-speaking immigrant authors in the United States. "Novoe Russkoe Slovo (New Russian Word) published the works of such famous writers and journalists as Vladimir Nabokov, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Ivan Bunin, Sergei Dovlatov, Joseph Brodsky, Vasily Aksyonov, Boris Pasternak and others. Since then, Novoe Russkoe Slovo (New Russian Word) has undergone a fundamental transformation to become the leading daily newspaper of the Russian-speaking immigrant community in America. 

"Novoe Russkoe Slovo (New Russian Word) has accumulated a large archive from its earliest printed issues. Copies of "Novoe Russkoe Slovo" are represented and carefully preserved in the most famous libraries and archives around the world, such as: New York Public Library, Duke University Library, London Library, Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., Russian State Library.

Today, Novoe Russkoe Slovo (New Russian Word) seeks to continue the 100-year legacy of its print predecessor. 

Editor in chief - Alexander Gerasimov

Our mission:

➔ to provide our readers with relevant, reliable and independent news stories 

➔ represent and empower the Russian-speaking immigrant community in the United States 

➔ to help immigrants assimilate and start a new life in America.

Our Commitments:

➔ We strive to select the most useful, transparent and relevant information possible 

➔ We provide facts and objective analysis, unrelated to any particular political or social agenda 

➔ We give voice to a variety of experts, journalists and other personalities to promote genuine public dialog in the media space 

➔ We are attentive to the needs and demands of our readers and do our best to meet them on a daily basis 

➔ We keep abreast of current media trends to diversify our content and remain competitive

Our readers are a truly diverse audience. 

"Novoe Russkoe Slovo (New Russian Word) attracts people of all ages, genders, nationalities and backgrounds. Our brand is loved and supported by entrepreneurs, decision makers, community leaders, couples and many others. The core of our audience is made up of Russian-speaking immigrants to the United States. Our readers come from Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Russia and other post-Soviet countries. Our site is also visited by people from other regions around the world. Most of them are Russian-speaking people interested in immigrating and moving to the U.S. and looking for news and knowledge they can count on. 

We supply publications in the following categories:

➔ New York

➔ Politics 

➔ Business

➔ Law

➔ Immigration

➔ Health 

➔ Real Estate 

➔ Culture 

➔ Society 

➔ Leisure

New York is singled out as a separate category because it is related to the origin of the newspaper - it was founded in New York and initially focused on the news of the city. In addition, New York has the largest Russian-speaking community in the country. Now, however, New Russian Word covers news from across the United States. 

Partnership with Novoye Russkoye Slovo 

"Novoe Russkoe Slovo" (Novoe Russkoe Slovo, New Russian Word) is a media outlet with a competitive edge, an understanding of current events and a century-long commitment to providing quality information to readers. Partnering with Novoe Russkoe Slovo provides brands with many benefits: 

➔ Placement of your content in the most popular media outlet for the Russian-speaking community in America 

➔ Attracting organic traffic to your site through backlinks 

➔ Providing access to a broad readership 

➔ Providing a measurable return on investment