  • FOUNDED IN 1910

The line between comfort and discomfort - what to prepare for on the border

It is at the border where people crossing the US-Mexico border are detained. People can wait anywhere from a couple of hours to several days or weeks at the border, depending on the number of people apprehended at the border and the speed of security clearance. Conditions of detention differ slightly in different places, but in general one thing is for sure - there is little pleasant here.

It’s a small joy that there is food, water, medical assistance, a toilet, and sometimes showers. True, sanitary and hygienic conditions leave much to be desired, so you need to be prepared for unsanitary conditions. Men and women (with children) are in separate cells. The cells are cold, cramped rooms with a few benches, tables and toiletries; some cells have no windows. Detainees often sleep on thin mattresses or mats on the floor, with little or no bedding provided. The quality of sleep also leaves much to be desired, discomfort, cold, lights on at night and someone is constantly being interrogated. From food: burritos, corn tortillas, soups, sandwiches, salads, snacks are most often served.


Source: Telegram channel “Immigration to the USA”
