  • FOUNDED IN 1910

Forecasters warn of a cold spring: it seems Phil the groundhog was right

Yesterday, America's most famous groundhog, Phil, predicted that winter would linger in the country for at least another month and a half. The weather forecasters' forecast coincides with the rodent's forecast. Meteorologists warn not only of a drop in temperatures in early March, but also of snow storms. A lot of snow will fall, particularly on the east coast of the United States. Real spring will arrive in mid-to-late April in the southwest. In March-April, the frequency of thunderstorms and tornadoes will not be too intense in the Midwest and lowlands of the United States. But the beginning of May will be a test for many central and southern regions.

Forecasters predict a high risk of flooding in the north of the country: a lot of snow has accumulated there during the winter. Floods may also occur in the central part of the country, in California and the eastern states.

Source: Telegram channel “ALL ABOUT THE USA”
