  • FOUNDED IN 1910

Cherry Blossom Festival started in Washington

The traditional cherry blossom festival started today in Washington. The cherry trees in the center of the US capital are blooming quickly, so it is best to plan your trip in the coming days. The festival will last until April 2. During this time, the festival organizers will hold various meetings. There is a separate program for children. This cherry blossom festival will end with a parade, which will take place on April 15th. Mostly in the parks you can see cherry trees, donated by Japan back in 1912. It is better to start your visit from the western zone of Tidal Basin, between the Roosevelt and Martin Luther King Jr. memorial. See route map here. 

More than 1,5 million people visit the Cherry Blossom Festival every year. So be prepared, if you are coming by car, parking will be difficult to find. And there were already a lot of visitors today. Not only residents of the United States, but also other countries come to Washington specifically for photographs and video footage of cherry blossoms.


Author: Denis Cheredov
