  • FOUNDED IN 1910

Times Square is one of the most recognizable places in the world

Times Square has a fascinating and eventful history. It's New York's most iconic venue, known for its dazzling lights and lively atmosphere. It was founded in the early 19th century with the original name Long Acre Square. It wasn't until 1904 that the location was renamed Times Square after the New York Times offices were moved there. During this period, construction began on theaters, stores, and other buildings that quickly turned Times Square into the center of New York's nightlife. In the 1940s, Times Square began to lose its appeal due to crime and prostitution, becoming a dark and dangerous place. By the way, Times Square is the most crime-ridden place in New York. However, the area continued to prosper due to its Broadway theaters and great importance as an entertainment center. In the 1970s, a series of architectural changes transformed the appearance of Times Square. Historic buildings were demolished to make way for more modern structures. Since then, the transformation of Times Square into a vibrant commercial and tourist center has continued, with tons of new shops, restaurants, tourist attractions and, most importantly, its iconic giant screens that people from around the world will recognize. all over the world!


Source: Telegram channel “Lukova & Lyubimov in USA”

