  • FOUNDED IN 1910

Prada Marfa - installation by a duo of artists from Scandinavia

I recently returned from a place that can easily be called the most inaccessible of the most cultural: the city of Marfa, Texas. So you understand, the location in the middle of nowhere is about 8 hours from Austin or 9 hours from Houston, and only about 20 miles to Mexico. One of the popular symbols of the city is the Prada Marfa installation, which looks like a mini-store of a famous brand against the most contrasting background of a desert with rare thorns, and abandoned villages in the area, whose residents usually wear cowboy hats.

The Prada Marfa store is an installation by the duo of artists Elmgreen and Dragset from Scandinavia, who in this way wanted to troll consumerism and fashion. Although the Prada Boutique was made with a fake door, there were real Prada products from the 2005 collection. Such a treasure did not search for its pirates for long, and on the night of the opening of the installation, 6 bags and 14 shoes were stolen from it, however, all of them were only for the right foot. The installation was not only vandalized, but also tried to be demolished, saying, what kind of advertising is this along the road? To preserve the art object, it was transferred to the status of a museum. So yes, if you ever pass by Prada Marfa (even by accident), you can book yourself a visit to the museum. Prada Marfa is quite widely known in American culture; for example, the installation was featured in The Simpsons.


Source: Telegram channel “Token Friend”
