  • FOUNDED IN 1910

New York resident used ChatGPT and solved problems with her landlord

A recording has appeared on social networks in which a New Yorker named Svetlana says that with the help of artificial intelligence she wrote a very harsh letter to her landlord. In the end, the letter worked, so Svetlana forced the owner of the rental apartment to repair the equipment in her house, and only then agreed to increase the rent for the apartment. The girl admitted that it actually took her several attempts to get the perfect email from ChatGPT with strong wording, which even included words from legal jargon. As a result, the landlord was afraid of further problems (the letter was so good) and repaired the washing machine and dryer in Svetlana’s rented apartment.

Let me remind you that ChatGPT is software developed by OpenAI, based on artificial intelligence.


Author: Denis Cheredov
