  • FOUNDED IN 1910

The Easter Parade in New York dates back to the 1870s.

This year Easter fell on Sunday, April 9, and of course there was entertainment and parades. It's hard to imagine a more extravagant festival than the Easter Bonnet Parade. Scores of adults and children flocked to Fifth Avenue to take part in the celebration wearing the most bizarre hats. Some dressed up in ancient dresses or fantastic costumes, and there were those who disguised themselves as animals or vegetables.

The Easter Parade has been a favorite event for New Yorkers since the 1870s, when Gothic churches such as Trinity Church and St. Patrick's Cathedral decorated their sanctuaries with beautiful floral displays in honor of the holiday. And to match the beautiful floral decor of the churches, wealthy women dressed up in elaborate dresses and hats for Easter mass. By the 1880s, New Yorkers flocked to watch wealthy Christians move from church to church, visiting various sanctuaries. In 1890, the event became officially known as the Easter Parade. By the early 20th century, the Easter Parade occupied the same place in the retail trade as Christmas.

The parade began at approximately 10 a.m., moving north along Fifth Avenue from 49th to 57th streets and ending at 4 p.m. Next year Easter will take place on March 31st.


Author: Irina Proskurina
