  • FOUNDED IN 1910

America is aging: Baby boomers are retiring and modern birth rates are falling.

Over the past decade, the average age of Americans has increased from 37,2 to 38,8 years. A large number of so-called baby boomers (the generation that saw the peak of births after World War II) are over 65 years old, and fewer children are being born now. The same applies to the so-called “millennials” born in the 1990s and early 2000s. They also matured and made adjustments to the average age of Americans.

Experts note that many families postpone having children until a later date, which affects demographics. Americans primarily focus on education and career.

The youngest state is Utah with a median age of 31,3 years. The oldest is Maine, where the rate is 45,1 years.


Source: Telegram channel “US NEWS | AMERICA"
