  • FOUNDED IN 1910

30% of adults living in New York City own a bicycle

It’s a pleasant discovery that it’s only 11 minutes by bike from me to the central park. Thanks to this, my bike rides have become more frequent and more beautiful. And in recent days, the temperature outside has reached +20 Celsius, so, finally, you can drive in summer mode (shorts instead of pants). Blooming magnolias add beauty, turning the central park into one of the most beautiful places on the planet.

All together, this is a great reason to share photos with you, and at the same time learn a little more about bicycles in New York:

- on a typical day in the city, people make about half a million bike rides;

- about 900 thousand ride it regularly (a couple of times a month);

- over the past 10 years, people who ride a bicycle to work every day have doubled to 56k people. Of these, 1/4 are women and 3/4 are men;

- riding a bike is not only pleasant and convenient, but also a little dangerous: in 2022, 18 cyclists died on the roads, 4 of them in Manhattan; about 5k cyclists were injured (1.5k in Manhattan);

- riding a bicycle quickly in New York is noticeably expensive: a fine for speeding or running a red light will cost more than $190, and the police issue about 20 thousand such fines a year (16k in 2018);

- sometimes it’s very expensive to ride: there was a story about how a couple didn’t notice the cops and drove through a red light, after which the patrolman followed them a couple of blocks and counted 3 more runs on red, after which he stopped and issued a fine for $4,600 - the first run on red cost $150 , the second ride on red is $350 and the next two are $900.


Source: Telegram channel “Token Friend”

