  • FOUNDED IN 1910

​​The mystery of the flag of the United States of America

There are many mysterious legends around this story that no one can still accurately name the name of the official creator. But there is one story that I found interesting enough to share with you. In 1860, high school student Bob Hayes was given a history homework assignment: draw a new design for the American flag. For his work, he chose a combination of red, white and blue to reflect the ideals of freedom, equality and justice on which the United States was founded. In the top left corner, Bob completed his design with small stars representing all the included states. When the teacher saw his work, he gave him only a "B-", explaining that the work was "impractical" and "contained too many stars." But Bob disagreed with the teacher's assessment, causing a loud scene. Then the teacher set a condition: he would change his grade to a higher one if Congress itself approved this design. They shook hands, and the boy, with full confidence that the matter would work out, sent his work for everyone to see. Unfortunately for the teacher and Bob's joy, Congress chose the boy's design as the most successful design. And already on July 4, 1860, on US Independence Day, the new flag was first raised over the Capitol. Although Bob Hayes is one of the most famous names associated with the creation of the modern US flag, he is not the only candidate for this role.


Author: Anton Nayanzin
