  • FOUNDED IN 1910

MyCity portal: helping working families access child care

New York City Mayor Eric Adams, Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright, and City Chief Technology Officer Matt Fraser announced the first phase of the launch of MyCity, a one-stop shop for city services and benefits that will make it easier for New Yorkers to interact with a variety of cities. agencies and access to their support.

“My administration is committed to making it easier for New Yorkers to access city services, which is why we are launching MyCity, an online portal where residents can apply for and track city services directly from their smartphones and computers. The first phase of MyCity aims to provide access to child care assistance for low-income New Yorkers. Now families who need help paying for child care can apply through one digital application. Previously, you had to visit multiple websites, navigate through multiple agencies, and submit a ton of paperwork. Many of them later found out that they were rejected and had to start the whole process all over again. The government should make life easier for working families. I promised to do this during the election campaign, and I am proud that we are keeping this promise.” Mayor Eric Adams said.

Submitting an application will now be fast and available in more than ten languages. MyCity operates entirely online and documents are stored securely. To save time, families can take a simple screening to see if they qualify for child care assistance before the application process begins.

Applying for child care subsidies is just the beginning; New Yorkers will soon be able to apply for jobs as well as access business services. They will be able to check eligibility, complete applications, track service status and securely store personal information. For more information, visit 


Author: Irina Proskurina
