  • FOUNDED IN 1910

Will Trump crush DeSantis?

There are a lot of rumors surrounding the nomination of Ron DeSantis. His opponents are working right now to hurt his chances of winning the Republican primary. Either a story with donors will come up, then a conflict with Disney, or fiction about his service in Guantanamo. The story of his nomination has one detail that is often overlooked - for voters, Desantis is a young and new politician. Can the same be said about Trump? - It’s unlikely, it has long been a read book and the electorate has long since decided on it. Of course, you can always reinvent yourself, but against the background of scandals and court cases of the ex-president, Desantis is very different from his counterpart. In the confrontation with Trump, this is very important; you cannot be a foil, as Jeb Bush was during the 2016 primaries. And if you believe the polls, then in the confrontation between DeSantis and Biden, the former has a chance of winning. Desantis has another 1,5 years ahead of him to gain political weight and reach his first boss, Trump.

I wrote about this and DeSantis’ chances against Trump and Biden for Forbes


Author: Pavel Dubravsky
