  • FOUNDED IN 1910

There is a new disease on the planet: what is VEXAS syndrome

VEXAS syndrome is an autoimmune disease that primarily affects men over 50 years of age. It can cause blood problems, fever and inflammation, leading to organ damage. The disease was discovered in 2020. VEXAS has a high mortality rate, with up to half dying within 5 years of diagnosis.

VEXAS syndrome is not inherited, but is caused by a mutation in the UBA1 gene. Scientists have discovered a mutation in the UBA1 gene in myeloid cells (white blood cells that influence the immune response and inflammation). 

You may have a fever, fatigue, and shortness of breath. Your skin, the cartilage in your ears and nose, and your blood vessels may be inflamed, and your joints may also be affected (the syndrome causes arthritis). You may also have enlarged lymph nodes or inflammation of the lungs or eyes. There is no standard treatment for this, but doctors can treat the inflammation with steroids.


Source: Telegram channel “US NEWS | AMERICA"
