  • FOUNDED IN 1910

Catholic Easter: photo sessions with scary hares

In America, I don’t have time to recover from one holiday before another begins. It’s the same with religious sabbaths: they celebrate everything that exists in any denomination. Catholic Easter happened last week. In honor of this, hares scattered around the city as a symbol of fertility due to the incredible speed of reproduction. That is, mass entertainers in hare costumes. Some of the bunnies looked scary with bulging red eyes and angry faces, as if they had recently been released from prison or discharged from a heroin rehab. I watched how mothers in the shopping center forced their children to take pictures with such bunnies. The children were crying and shouting “what a creepy rabbit”. I laughed a lot because it was really creepy.

And then I discovered that all of America was laughing at these bunnies, people were sharing their photos with them and telling how it all traumatized them.


Author: Yunia Pugacheva
