  • FOUNDED IN 1910

Zodiac signs that move most often

The great minds of humanity conducted super research and found out who is the most traveler of all the zodiac signs.

  • The rating opens with Sagittarius

This sign strives to expand its horizons, its creative and career opportunities. He is very freedom-loving and has an active lifestyle, so migration for him is a breath of fresh air in a boring and routine life.

  • In honorable second place is Aquarius

Creative and unusual Aquarius does not tolerate restrictions and labels; he is looking for a place where he can meet associates, where his views, tastes and ideas will be accepted. And if this means a global move, Aquarius is all for it.

  • In first place - Gemini

This is the most active sign. Moving is absolutely natural for him; sitting in one place is boring. He loves change and cannot stand the dullness of everyday life. This sign quite easily integrates into a new environment, a new culture and quickly masters foreign languages. And the most cherished dream of this sign is to own a motor home to live in every corner of the world.


Source: Telegram channel “Lukova & Lyubimov in USA”
