  • FOUNDED IN 1910

​​How did the authorities restrain people during Prohibition?

Let's start with the background. At the beginning of the 20th century, under the influence of the anti-alcohol movement, the United States introduced a ban on its production, sale and consumption. Thus, the authorities wanted to save people from many social problems, such as addiction, domestic violence and unemployment. Religious and moral beliefs also played an important role in this decision.

Immediately after the introduction of Prohibition, the era of bootleggers began - brave entrepreneurs who secretly supplied citizens with prohibited goods. At this time, crime, corruption developed in the country, and the law was constantly broken. Some created their own hidden distilleries, while others purchased industrial alcohol used in the production of paints, household chemicals and medicines. But this “freedom” did not last long. When the authorities found out about this, they hired special agents who began adding poisons such as formaldehyde, quinine and mercury salts to industrial alcohol. And this did not remain without consequences: on Christmas evening 1926, 31 people died from poisoning. And, despite this tragedy, the authorities continued their work: as a result, during the entire period of Prohibition, the United States lost more than 10 thousand people.

In addition, large-scale cutting down of apple trees began in America. So the authorities tried to reduce the production of apple cider, which was so popular at that time. As a result, they almost destroyed all the trees at the roots.

The Ku Klux Klan also became fans of Prohibition. They created complete chaos at every winery and underground production. Their most cruel punishment was murder. As a result, the US authorities admitted their mistake and abolished Prohibition in 1933. Residents gained freedom in their desires, were able to drink alcohol again and produce it freely. But it was during Prohibition that many criminal groups and gangsters, such as Al Capone, began to emerge. Some of them existed for a long time.


Author: Anton Nayanzin
